Vaishno Devi is India one of the Religious Place. Vaishno Devi journey is my one of the best Journey in my Whole life. My College friends made a plan to go vaishno Devi. We all decided to go
vasihno devi tour next month. it was my first Vaishno Devi yatra. We Booked the train. i was feeling Very happy because vaishno devi fulfill my wish to go vaishno devi temple and as well as i was feeling like Vaishno Devi called my up and said you have to come my temple. We all were excited to go vaishno Devi. We went Delhi Station and took the train delhi to katra station. My Friend told my mata vaishno Devi temple is located in 5300 feet. people were going vaishno devi temple by foot and by hourse. we decided to go by foot. Temple is located in 12 km away from katra.thousand of people comes every year for vaishno devi Darshan. We took a hotel and got refresh.Then it was the time to start the yatra for the temple.we were started jouney to go vaishno Devi Temple. I was actually felt peace is there. I personally felt
Vaishno Devi gave powerful energy to me. as soon as we reached the vasihno Devi. we were in the lines. we were finally got the opportunity to see the vaishno devi Darshan. it was a Wonderful journey and great Experience. I consider my self i got one achivement in life. I thoroughly enjoyed the vasihno devi Trip and I enjoyed the yatra as well the actual mandir.